To all the veterans who have served our country and helped to keep us safe so that we don’t have to live in fear – THANK YOU. Happy Veteran’s Day.

I wish I had thought to ask my grandpa about his time in the service when he was still alive. Now that he’s gone, I only have a few details from the documents my grandma kept. Leaving his name out, I’d like to share them with you. I’ve tried to find out more information about what his unit did, but there has been precious little I could find online. (All information I’ve found pertaining to the 40th Tank Battalion is from WWII.) What I do know is that he was deployed to Germany shortly after the end of the Korean War.

Letter of Commendation

Headquarters and Service Company
40th Tank Battalion
APO 39, US Army

SUBJECT: Commendation

TO: CPL [Grandpa]
Hq Hq & Svc Company
40th Tank Battalion
APO 39, US Army

Upon your  leaving this organization, I feel that it is most appropriate to Commend you for your outstanding performance of your duties as a Truck Driver in the Supply Platoon of Headquarters Headquarters and Service Company, 40th Tank Battalion, for the period of July 1953 until June 1954.

Your Loyalty, Sincerity, and Devotion to Duty has been a major factor in the smooth operation of the Platoon. Corporal [Grandpa], your ability to grasp each situation and to conduct yourself accordingly to perform your duties, which are most a major factor in the performance of this Battalion is exceeded by none.

The example you have set in efficiency, punctuality and appearance have gained for you the respect of all Officers and Enlisted Men of this Company.

In leaving this Company, I would like to extend to you the best wishes of the Officers and Enlisted Men for success in your occupation at home.

1st Lt, Armor
Executive Officer

Letter of Discharge

Honorable Discharge
from the Armed Forces of the United States of America

This is to certify that
Cpl [Grandpa]
[redacted] ARMOR-USAR
was Honorably Discharged from the Army of the United States
on the 1st day of July 1960
This certificate is awarded as a testimonial of Honest and Faithful Service

2d Lt, ARMOR

Happy Veteran’s Day

Thank you again to all of our brave veterans. If you have parents or grandparents who have served in the Armed Forces, take some time to ask them about their service while they are alive, as long as they are willing to talk about it. I wish I’d taken the opportunity to learn more about Grandpa’s service and how it helped make him the man he was. My grandma said he used to either serve as the flag-bearer or drive the tank in the military parades at home. I wish I could have seen that!

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