Hi, I’m Christina Gleason.

Who Am I? In Brief.

Hi, I’m Christina Gleason. I’m an autistic, nonbinary lady with multiple disabilities who lives on the internet because my body is mostly confined to my bed. Professionally… well, I’m permanently disabled and no longer have writing clients. Personally, I’m a disabled lady with a wonderful husband and daughter, and we are a family of full-on geeks. Most of my friends live on the internet, but I do have some pretty awesome friends who live locally, as well.

Education Brags, aka Ancient History

I graduated summa cum laude from the Fairleigh Dickinson University honors program, obtaining both my Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Applied Social and Community Psychology in the same four-year period. I was the Editor-in-Chief of my college newspaper for all but my first and last semesters. Social psychology is an invaluable background in today’s social media world.

Business Brags, aka They Hired Me, and You Should Too

[Preface: I can no longer manage any type of regular work, but I can occasionally take on special projects with forgiving deadlines as long as they involve topics I am already knowledgable about.]

As a writer and editor, my company has been hired to do work for clients large and small. One of my first gigs was for a very prestigious asbestos law firm, and I personally wrote hundreds of pages for their website… none of which is still on their website. My company – which became inactive as of March 2020 – has also written content for one of North America’s largest staffing agencies, the World Series of Poker, Caesars Casino, at least one other Fortune 500 company, and so on. We’ve also written plenty for small businesses that value quality content. One of them even told me about how they’d ditched us for a cheap content mill in India for a year, but you get what you pay for, and they asked us to re-write all the horrible content they ended up with.

Because of my blogging, I’ve appeared on local television (my local NBC affiliate) and national television (Anderson Live) to talk about parenting and mental health. I’ve spoken at social media conferences and given both solo and panel webinars. You can see more of the specifics on my media page, but even that list is incomplete simply because I’m terrible about keeping track. I can do webinars when appropriately compensated for the energy costs involved in preparation and participation.


My multiple disabilities are a limiting factor on what I am able to do, online and offline. It would be disingenuous to say otherwise. I do not do phone calls. Period. In addition to my intense phone phobia, I have auditory processing issues that make email and other forms of online text-based communication the only way to ensure we understand each other. I don’t keep normal business hours. I’m not awake at 9:00 am most days because my ME/CFS and my body’s internal clock prefer a different sleep/wake cycle. I have short-term memory issues. If I’m supposed to deliver something to you, and the deadline is creeping up, I will not at all be offended if you send me a message to check in on the project’s status. I will be (too) honest if there’s a delay, but most of the time, I’ll have it all ready to go and thought I already delivered it to you.

Where to Find Me